IRIBA project leads Ed Amann and Armando Barrientos offer their perspective on the research findings, following our final workshop in Rio de Janeiro in December 2016.
Prof. Ed Amann and Prof. Armando Barrientos gave a presentation on November 25 on some of the central findings of the IRIBA research. They discussed how Brazil’s comparatively successful development performance over the last two decades has been based on a pattern of inclusive g
Inclusive growth doesn’t come out of nowhere. IRIBA’s Professor Armando Barrientos explains the ways in which socially-oriented policy decisions led to economic growth that primarily helped to increase the incomes and wellbeing of Brazil’s poorest, rather than that o
By Armando Barrientos and Edmund Amann. Originally published in Policy In Focus, a publication of the UNDP’s International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. As the world begins to wake up to the dire social and economic consequences of rising inequality, we must recognise that it is
The next edition of the African Economic Outlook will investigate how to bridge the urban-rural divide in African countries. With many African states struggling to translate impressive headline rates of economic growth into tangible improvements for the poorest people living in rural
At the start of the IRIBA project a year ago, co-research directors Armando Barrientos and Ed Amann presented their initial thinking on the Brazilian model and its implications for African countries to a UNU-Wider conference on inclusive growth. With the first phase research no
IRIBA’s research directors, Armando Barrientos and Ed Amann draw together the conclusions from the first phase of the project. Cross posted from ELDIS. Brazil’s ascent to prominence on the international economic stage has been a prolonged affair. Perhaps the most curious featur
Over the last few years, African economies have been some of the fastest-growing in the world. But significant doubts remain: why aren’t the proceeds of growth doing more to help those at the bottom of the pile? And in any case, is the boom sustainable? An important report from the Ac
The following article by IRIBA research directors Professor Armando Barrientos and Dr Ed Amann was recently featured in The Guardian: Brazil isn’t getting the best press at the moment, with ongoing problems with the construction of the World Cup stadiums and protests abou