IRIBA’s research has argued that in recent decades Brazil has followed a distinctive development trajectory. This has centred on inclusive growth and the use of innovative tax-financed social policy in reducing poverty and inequality and bolstering long term human development. However
Professor Werner Baer was a vital member of the IRIBA team, and we were shocked when he passed away after a short illness earlier this year. The Jorge Paulo Lemann Endowed Chair in Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Werner was a giant in Brazilian Studies and
In 2016 academia, and IRIBA, lost a great mind. Werner Baer contributed significantly to the IRIBA project, and was the catalyst for the special edition of The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance that was ultimately published in his memory. Below is IRIBA co-lead Ed Amann’
By Armando Barrientos and Edmund Amann. Originally published in Policy In Focus, a publication of the UNDP’s International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. As the world begins to wake up to the dire social and economic consequences of rising inequality, we must recognise that it is
The highly regarded Brazilian business newspaper Valor Economico recently published an article focussed on the findings of our working paper ‘Taxation, Redistribution and the Social Contract in Brazil‘. Here’s a pdf of the article in Portuguese. An English translatio
We have just published summaries of all the IRIBA research briefings, translated into Portuguese. View them via our Portuguese overview page. Photo credit: Adrien Sifre (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
At the end of last year, IRIBA author José Roberto Afonso hosted a seminar looking at the institutional basis for Brazil’s macroeconomic stability. José summarises the discussions for us here (English translation below). O workshop Instituições para Estabilidade Macroeconômica n
Economic stability has been central to Brazil’s development progress over the last 20 years. Without it, successive governments could not have invested in the innovative social policies that have transformed the country. On December 19, we’ll be looking at this in much mor